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Introduction to TrueNAS SCALE


All guides under this section are made for TrueNAS SCALE. We do NOT control anything made by iX-Systems, no matter how good or bad it is. More specifically, we have no control AT ALL over the following:

  • Adding/Creating certificates
  • Backup functions
  • Restore functions
  • Rollback functions
  • Opening the Shell
  • All GUI elements except: Install-menu, Edit-menu and Portal-Button

Even if we made some tools and guides to make the above easier to use, we cannot provide any support for these features.

More specifically: Anything related to TrueTool has been deprecated and is now replaced with HeavyScript, any guides still referring to TrueTool will be updated or replaced.

Installing Apps

Removed as SCALE is deprecated.


Removed as SCALE is deprecated.

Adding the App

Removed as SCALE is deprecated.

Example App Configuration Options

  • Application Name Configure a custom name for your app and select a version to install.
  • General Settings: Choose the number of replicas, preferred timezone, and add custom environmental variables.
  • Networking & Services: Choose how you’d like to expose your app from the k3s network to your local network and the Internet.
  • Storage and Persistence: Configure core app storage and add additional app storage.
  • Ingress: For TrueCharts apps you can configure Ingress with Traefik to easily proxy Internet traffic to your app.
  • Security & Permissions: Configure PUID, fsGroup, and other security and file permissions for your app.
  • Other Options: You can also configure GPU support, addons (such as adding a CodeServer for easy file editing), and advanced app settings.

Video Guide


  • You can view specific configuration information about your app in its app-specific page by searching for it in the charts list, searching our guides, or by searching for threads about it on the TrueCharts Discord.
  • If you see both an incubator and stable version of an app in the TrueCharts catalog, you should always use the stable version as it is the best maintained version.
  • Some apps are available in both the TrueCharts catalog and iXsystems default catalog. We recommend and only support the TrueCharts version of an app for access to features and capability alignment.
  • Once an app is thoroughly tested and known to be stable, it can be moved from the incubator train to the stable train. You can let the TrueCharts team know if a particular app appears to be working well enough to be moved to the stable train.

Editing Apps

Editing Apps has a slightly different GUI however it exposes the same settings as when installing an App.


  • Make sure your storage-pool is created and working
  • Make sure you selected your storage-pool when you first opened the “Apps” interface, if not please refer to Configuring your Apps Pool
  • Make sure you have a working internet connection and can reach github and from the host system
  • Make sure you already added the TrueCharts catalog from Adding TrueCharts to SCALE
  • Make sure your App is installed and, preferably, working.

Editing the App

  1. Go to the Apps page of the SCALE GUI
  2. Select your desired app to edit from the list of installed apps
  3. Select the Edit button
  4. Change any settings you want to change
  5. Submit your changes.

The App will then go through a process of submitting your changes. If the process fails, your changes will not be submitted and the edit will be reverted. Once the process popup disappears, it might take a few minutes to actually re-deploy the app with your new changes due to some things that happen in the background.

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  • It’s NOT advisable to switch between Nodeport and Loadbalancer, using the same ports. This WILL cause problems. If you edit an app and switch between NodePort and Loadbalancer, please be sure to use different ports.


Upgrading the app using the SCALE GUI

  1. Go to the Apps page of the SCALE GUI
  2. Make sure your App reports that an Upgrade is available on the App Card
  3. Make note of the current version, you might want to revert to this version in the future
  4. Select Upgrade or Update
  5. Confirm you want to upgrade, checking the changelog for any potential issues such as breaking changes.

The App will then go through a process of backing up(!) and upgrading. If the process fails, your changes will not be submitted and the edit will be reverted. After the process popup disappears, it might take a few minutes to actually re-deploy your newly upgraded app, due to some things that happen in the background.

Upgrading the app using HeavyScript

Alternatively, you can also use HeavyScript to update your apps and even configure it to do so automatically via a CRON job. Examples and instructions are found on the linked page and the HeavyScript Github, also linked on that page.

Rollback an app

Reverting using the GUI

  1. Select the app you wish to rollback from the list of installed apps
  2. Select “Roll Back”
  3. Under “Version” - Click the dropdown and select which version you would like to rollback to
  4. Check the “Roll Back Snapshot” box
  5. Select “Roll Back”

Wait a few moments for the process to happen in the background and you should soon be greeted by the prior version of the app deployed and running.

Reverting using the CLI

  1. Enter cli to enter the SCALE command line interface
  2. Enter app chart_release rollback It should give you this screen: cli-rollback1
  3. Enter the release name and item_version like this: cli-rollback2 (be sure to remove the # before the release name)
  4. Click save then click quit It should show something like this, confirming the rollback: cli-rollback3

Finding the last installed version

SCALE does not list which versions are available to roll-back to, but does required a version to be entered. There is a short walk-through to get the versioning history for the app in question:

  1. Run export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
  2. Run helm history jackett -n ix-jackett where “jackett” should be replaced with the name of the App that broke your UI. You’ll see this: history Take note of the “Chart” column, it lists the version numbers you can enter in the rollback interface, prefixed by the App Name. Of coarse only enter the version number in the GUI or CLI, not the name


Delete using the GUI

  1. Select the app you wish to delete from the list of installed apps
  2. Select “Delete”
  3. Check the “Confirm” box
  4. Select “Continue”

Wait a few moments for the process to happen in the background.

Delete using the CLI

  1. Enter the SCALE terminal via the GUI or SSH
  2. Type the following command
    • cli -c 'app chart_release delete release_name=NAME_OF_APPLICATION'
    • ex: cli -c 'app chart_release delete release_name=traefik'

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