FluxCD Webhook
This guide isnt covered by the Support Policy and is considered more advanced. If you face issues feel free to open a thread in the appropiate Channel in our Discord server.
- Having a running Kubernetes cluster
- Bootstrapped fluxcd
- Knowledge on how to add charts/kubernetes resources with fluxcd
- Usage of an ingress to make the webhook accessible from outside your network
Initial Setup
Create a new folder called
inside theflux-system
folder. -
Add a subfolder called
Add the necessary kustomization to the
folder for the github directory -
Next we will need 3 files inside the github folder:
receiver.yaml apiVersion: notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1kind: Receivermetadata:name: github-receivernamespace: flux-systemspec:type: githubevents:- "ping"- "push"secretRef:name: github-webhook-tokenresources:- kind: GitRepositoryname: clusternamespace: flux-systemwebhook.secret.yaml apiVersion: v1kind: Secretmetadata:name: github-webhook-tokennamespace: flux-systemstringData:token: YOURSECRETKEYingress.yaml apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1kind: Ingressmetadata:name: webhook-receivernamespace: flux-systemannotations:cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: domain-1-le-prodcert-manager.io/private-key-rotation-policy: Alwaystraefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.entrypoints: websecuretraefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.middlewares: traefik-chain-basic@kubernetescrdtraefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.tls: "true"spec:rules:- host: flux-webhook.${DOMAIN_0}http:paths:- pathType: Prefixpath: /backend:service:name: webhook-receiverport:number: 80tls:- hosts:- flux-webhook.${DOMAIN_0}secretName: flux-webhook-tls-0 -
Add the necessary kustomization to add all 3 of those files to your cluster
Create your Webhook Token
Run the following command to generate your Webhook Token
Terminal window TOKEN=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum | cut -d ' ' -f1)echo $TOKEN -
with your generated Webhook Token -
Make sure to run
clustertool encrypt
to encrypt your files -
Push changes to your cluster before continuing
Get Receiver URL:
After pushing the changes to your cluster and waiting for reconcile. Run the following command to get your receiver url:
kubectl -n flux-system get receiver/github-receiver
Output should look something like this:
NAME READY STATUSgithub-receiver True Receiver initialised with URL: /hook/bed6d00b5555b1603e1f59b94d7fdbca58089cb5663633fb83f2815dc626d92b
Next you will have to add your domain and subdomain to it. Example
Make sure the flux-webhook.mydomain.com is accessible from outside your network. Otherwise it will not work.
Adding the webhook to github
- Open your cluster repository on Github and go to settings
- Next select
on the left menu - Click
Add webhook
- Add your Receiver Url into the
Payload URL
- Select the
Content type
- Add your Webhook Token to the
field - Leave the rest of the options default
- Click
Add webhook
to finish the creation
Finishing Steps
You should now see your Webhook in the Github Webhook Menu.
Click on it and check the Recent Deliveries
if the test was successfull
If it worked. Your done and now each push to the main branch should trigger a reconcile on your cluster.