Cluster Cheatsheet
This page contains a useful selection of commands to troubleshoot and manage your cluster.
Show all Flux Resources:
flux get all -A
Show all Kustomizations:
flux get ks -A
Show all Helm-Releases:
flux get hr -A
Show all Flux objects which are not ready:
flux get all -A --status-selector ready=false
Get Values from a running deployment:
helm get values -n <namespace> <deployment-name>
Most of the following commands can be adapted to either show all namespaces -A
or only show a specific namespace with -n <namespace>
. Examples use the all namespaces flag.
Additionally you can use additional commands like grep
to sort and filter your results.
Show all Running Pods
kubectl get pods -A
Show all Services:
kubectl get svc -A
Show events:
kubectl get events -A
Describe a pod:
kubectl describe pod -n <namespace> podname
As you can see kubectl follows a certain pattern. The usual format is
kubectl (get/describe/delete/edit) <resource-type> -n <namespace>
An exception to this pattern is the logs command:
kubectl logs -n <namespace> <pod-name>
Show talos dashboard:
talosctl dashboard
Show talos kernel logs:
talosctl dmesg