Adding Storage
What is persistence?
Persistence defines all forms of “storage” that can be added to a chart. This can be config text mounted to a file, RAMdisks, or most frequently, actual data storage.
For PVC storage to function correctly, it’s important to already have a storageClass defined and a “Container Storage Interface” setup. Some platforms ship with this (SCALE, Harvester) while others need you to set this up manually (TalOS).
How to Setup
To setup persistence, add the following section to your values.yaml manually and adapt as needed:
persistence: config: enabled: true type: pvc mountPath: /mystorage
persistence: config: enabled: true type: nfs path: /mnt/data/media mountPath: /media server:
In some cases an ingress might already been partly defined. That means you should append the information as you need it, but not touch, for example, the mountPath.
More info
For more info, check out the common-chart persistence options