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Getting Started

(Optional) Create a Git Repository to store your config

With our new ClusterTool, we started for fully embrace Infrastructure-as-Code. This means all configs can, safely, be saved towards a (public or private) GIT repository for processing, testing and safekeeping!

For this reason we also include integrated SOPS Encryption, Decryption and an automated encryption-check.

All things considered, we would advise users to prepare their repository beforehand by following:

1. Prepare your Files

Let’s get started!

Make sure you either have a new empty folder open that is going to contain all your cluster configuration or the previously made, and cloned, github repo. From this step forward, we’re going to assume a github repo. If you’re starting with a local folder, that’s perfectly fine, however some steps need to be skipped.

2. Downloading ClusterTool

ClusterTool is available on GitHub. Please extract the archive and copy the executable into your configuration folder.

3. Initialisation

First off we need to generate all file and folder structure for us to store any configuration.

For this, in a terminal, run:

clustertool init

or, on Windows:

ClusterTool.exe init

This builds all config files and folders.

4. Save your encryption key

This step also will have generated a file called age.agekey. This file contains your encryption key and will, as such, not be saved to your github repository.

It’s absolutely crucial you save this file somewhere safe and preferably have multiple copies in safe places. Not saving this file can and will lead to loss of your config.

5. Configuration

Thanks to our use of TalHelper, a streamlined Talos configuration tool, there are only two files that contain all our configuration for Talos:

  • clusters/main/clusterenv.yaml
  • clusters/main/talos/talconfig.yaml


This file that contains the most important settings, its content also gets saved on the cluster for use with FluxCD and its settings get referenced in multiple places. You’re free to add settings as you please, or as you need them. Feel free to adapt them if needed!

Primary settings that need to be adapted:

  • VIP: Contains the shared IP for all master-nodes
  • MASTER1IP: The static-DHCP IP that was set during the TalosOS network configuration
  • GATEWAY: Your local network gateway
  • METALLB_RANGE: Contains the range MetalLB will allow IPs to be distributed in (cannot overlap with any nodeIP or VIP, nor should it overlap with local dhcp range)
  • DASHBOARD_IP: The IP, within the MetalLB range, that the kubernetes monitoring/management dashboard will be made available on (should be a free ip adres on your network, not overlapping with dhcp adresses)

(optional) Enabling FluxCD Bootstrapping

If you want to setup FluxCD during bootstrap, be sure to enter a GITHUB_REPOSITORY in ClusterEnv.yaml. It should start with ssh://, so be sure to pick the SSH repository url option when copying your repository url from GitHub


This file contains purely the structure of the Talos Cluster and its nodes themselves. As such, it also contains a number of ${VARIABLE} references to clusterenv.yaml. These should not be removed.

We generate an opinionated variant of this file, that is optimised to run with our default setup. Making any changes outside of the nodes section, might completely break ClusterTool

We would advise to adapt the nodes so they fit your cluster design. By default we’ve a single node, with a single disk and a single network interface added. This is sufficient for all our VM guides and will be enabled for both ‘controlplane’, controlling the cluster itself, as well as ‘worker’ workloads.

For more information on talconfig.yaml and talhelper, please see here

(optional) Setting Up Github SSH access for FluxCD

If you want to use FluxCD, you need to add the SSH public key defined in ./ssh-public-key.txt, to your Github Account.

For More info, see: here

6. Run init again

To finalize all the configuration changes please run:Ö

clustertool init

or, on Windows:

ClusterTool.exe init

again. This will generate all remaining necessary files

7. Generating ClusterConfig and updating files from Config

Clusterconfig are the files Talos itself sends to the nodes and uses to connect to the nodes. To create these files, which are not saved to git by default, from the config you created earlier, please run:

In a terminal, run:

clustertool genconfig

or, on Windows:

ClusterTool.exe genconfig

This also will update a number of files we (pre)generate for FluxCD and/or prepare to be uploaded to the cluster. This includes things like the CNI (Cilium and MetalLB).

8. Saving your config

To save your config, it’s important to first ensure none of your secrets leak out, by encrypting all confidential settings.

For this, in a terminal, run:

clustertool encrypt

or, on Windows:

ClusterTool.exe encrypt

It’s important to note that from this point onwards, some settings might be hidden behind encryption text. You can still safely alter anything else, but to access these settings again, please follow the below:

In a terminal, run:

clustertool decrypt

or, on Windows:

ClusterTool.exe decrypt

To be 100% sure encryption worked out correctly, you can always check for the encryption status by running:

In a terminal, run:

clustertool checkcrypt

or, on Windows:

ClusterTool.exe checkcrypt

We highly advise to always run checkcrypt before sending data to git.

To send the data to git run:

  • git add -A
  • git commit -a -m "some description"
  • git push

9. Bootstrapping your first node

To ensure stability, we will first apply the configuration to the first ControlPlane node in the list and bootstrap this node.

For this, in a terminal, run:

ClusterTool talos apply

or, on Windows:

ClusterTool.exe talos apply

You will be asked if you want to bootstrap the cluster, to do this enter y or yes After this is finished successfully, make sure the node is running correctly. It should have everything loaded already.

10. Applying config to the rest of your cluster

Now we can continue to add more nodes to the cluster. This is completely automated, we can apply the configuration to every node in the cluster, new or existing, by simply running:

In a terminal, run:

ClusterTool talos apply

or, on Windows:

ClusterTool.exe talos apply

11. Final

Your talos-cluster should now be bootstrapped and you should be able to add your first charts. Have fun!