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This is a quick how-to or setup-guide to use Tailscale on Talos. This can be applied to other systems but this specific guide is Talos on TrueNAS specific with the prerequisites.


  • Tailscale Account (Free accounts available at Tailscale’s Official website)
  • Tailscale Truecharts Chart
  • Tailscale DNS setup for Talos Cluster Domain

Prerequisites (LAN access only)

For proper access to your local network (LAN), this chart requires two sysctl values set on your TrueNAS or system. For TrueNAS SCALE the way to change these values are inside System Settings then Advanced. On that screen you add the following two values:

  • net.ipv4.ip_forward
  • net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark

Set them to 1 and Enabled


Also prepare your Tailscale Auth Key for your setup, easy to generate on the page below


Tailscale Chart Setup

Application name

Ideally use tailscale but you can use any name here.

App Configuration

  • Auth Key: The key you received from tailscale in prerequisites above
  • Userspace: Now enabled by default, as it is required when using local routes and as an exit node (see below). Userspace restricts clients to only accessing the GUI and Samba. This needs to be unchecked if you need to give Tailscale full access to all the features inside TrueNAS SCALE (not just GUI/SMB, but RSYNC, PING and directly connect to other Tailscale IPs, etc). More info in the Tailscale Userspace Guide.
  • Accept DNS: Enabling it will pass your Global Nameservers from Tailscale to your local install.
  • Routes: Change to the routes you wish Tailscale to have access to on the devices it’s connected, such as my LAN in the example. Required if you want to access APPS over Tailscale using TrueNASIP:Port from any Tailscale connected client.
  • Extra Args passes arguments/flags to the tailscale up command.
  • Hostname You can specify a specific hostname for use inside Tailscale (see image below). (Passes --hostname HOSTNAME to Extra args)
  • Advertise as exit node This is used to pass traffic through tailscale like a private VPN. (Passes --advertise-exit-node to Extra args)

For more Extra Args and their usage please check the Tailscale Knowledge Base since we consider these advanced features and these may/not be compatible with everyone’s exact setup.

Hostname example


Namespace Privileges Required for Talos Cluster

In your namespace.yaml file add privileged

to allow this Chart to run with privileged permissions.

Networking and Services

The default ports are fine for this chart, you shouldn’t need to port forward or open ports on your router.

Storage and Persistence

Highly recommended to leave it as specified in the Charts values.yaml file.


Shouldn’t need to enable this.

Security and Permissions

Should be left as is, unless you know what you are doing!

Resources and Devices

You can set custom resources for CPU/RAM, but defaults should be work fine in most cases Defaults are 4 vCores and 8G RAM.

Tailscale DNS Setup

In Tailscale Portal on DNS, Namespace section add a new custom nameserver using the Blocky IP address and restrict to domain (SplitDNS) for the Domain used in ClusterTool for Talos.



Shouldn’t need to enable any.


  • You can also reach us using Discord for real-time feedback and support
  • If you found a bug in our chart, open a Github issue

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