Installation Notes
The location of STServer.ini
It will be located in the internal directory: /home/server/config
Editing STServer.ini
The default STServer.ini config file will look like this:
[general]sLogLevel=info # Logs everythingbConsole=true # Enables interactive console is enabled or not
[LiveServices]bAnnounceServer=true # Makes it show on the global server list
[Gameplay]fGoldLossFactor=0 # Disables players losing gold on deathsbEnablePvp=true # Enables PVPbEnableGreetings=false # Disables NPCs greetinguDifficulty=5 # Setting the difficulty level at Legendary
[ModPolicy]bAllowMO2=true # Allows using ModOrganizer2bAllowSKSE=true # Allows SKSEbEnableModCheck=false # Disables verifying connecting users loadorder.txt (more on that later)
[GameServer]sPassword=mySuperServerPassword # Setting the password to mySuperServerPasswordsAdminPassword=thisdoesntmatter # Setting the admin password to thisdoesntmattersServerName=My Very Best Server # Setting the server name to be "My Very Best Server"bPremiumMode=true # Setting the tickrate to 60uPort=10578 # Setting the port to 10578 (important!)
for more info checkout the source guide