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How To

You can use the following json code to construct a json object to be used for the config field or use the upstream doc for your specific domain provider here:

My domain provider is cloudflare.

The zone_identifier or Zone ID is per domain and can be found in the overview of the website/domain.

My host or the A record is set to @.

If the record is proxied through CLoudflare, set proxied to true or otherwise false.

The token is different from the API key. Please go to api-tokens in Cloudflare to create a Edit zone DNS token for your specific zone or domain.

The ip_version should always be ipv4 unless your special :/.

"settings": [
"provider": "cloudflare",
"zone_identifier": "ZONE_ID",
"domain": "",
"host": "@",
"proxied": true,
"ttl": 600,
"token": "TOKEN_1",
"ip_version": "ipv4"
"provider": "cloudflare",
"zone_identifier": "ZONE_ID_2",
"domain": "",
"host": "@",
"proxied": true,
"ttl": 600,
"token": "TOKEN_2",
"ip_version": "ipv4"
"provider": "cloudflare",
"zone_identifier": "ZONE_ID_3",
"domain": "",
"host": "@",
"proxied": true,
"ttl": 600,
"token": "TOKEN_3",
"ip_version": "ipv4"