Installation Guide
Configure an initial admin username and password you want to log in within the Web UI (only applied on first setup run).
If needed, it is possible to set up a persitent storage for archived data.
Example configuration using NFS:
Make sure whatever filesystem the data is located on supports FSYNC and doesn’t squash permissions. NFS servers may need to set
For more info about ArchiveBox’s filesystem requirements, see here:
- ArchiveBox Filesystem Requirements
- ArchiveBox Issue #742 (example of common filesystem issue with NFS)
- ArchiveBox Issue #1304
Optionally add any other ArchiveBox Configuration variables you want
Further Reading
- ArchiveBox Documentation
- ArchiveBox UI Usage
- ArchiveBox Security Overview
- ArchiveBox Configuration
- ArchiveBox Hosting Guide
- ArchiveBox Changelog