Installation Guide
Set the env.
to a long-lived token from Home Assistant. To create a long-lived token, click your user icon in the HA front end and look for the Long-Lived Access Tokens card under the tab security.- Create token and give it any name.
- Copy the token and paste it in your deployment file.
Set the env.
to a http url of your assigned IP+port or your configured https Ingress URL.- HTTP example:
- HTTPS example:
- HTTP example:
Set the env.
to the IP, URL or Cluster-URL + port. For example:http://home-assistant.home-assistant.svc.cluster.local:8123
Set the env.
by the using this 3rd party service or any service you want. It needs to match to what you set in HA, according to AppDaemon’s docs.
Example Deployment
TZ: Pacific/Honolulu
workload: main: podSpec: containers: main: env: DASH_URL: "" HA_URL: "http://home-assistant.home-assistant.svc.cluster.local:8123" LATITUDE: 21.306944 LONGITUDE: -157.858337 ELEVATION: 1217 TIMEZONE: "{{ .Values.TZ }}" TOKEN: "ThisShouldBeTheVeryLongLivedTokenFromHomeAssistant"