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Input Validation

Validation makes sure that your input is in the desired format, so the application can parse it without problems. Below you can find more info about which fields have the mentioned validation and what formats are accepted.

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CPU Accepted formats are:

  • Plain integer (eg. 1) - This means 1 hyperthread
  • Float (eg. 0.5) - This means half hyperthread
  • Milicpu (eg. 500m) This means also half hyperthread

Regex used to match those: ^(?!^0(\.0|m|)$)([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]|m?)$ You can try live here More detailed info can be found here

Memory RAM Accepted formats are:

  • Suffixed with E, P, T, G, M, K (eg. 5G) - This means 5Gigabyte of RAM
  • Suffixed with Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki (eg. 5Gi) - This means 5Gibibyte of RAM
  • Plain integer (eg. 134217728) - This means 128Megabyte of RAM
  • As an exponent format (eg. 134e6) This means ~128Megabyte of RAM

Regex used to match those: ^(?!^0(e[0-9]|[EPTGMK]i?|)$)([0-9]+)(|[EPTGMK]i?|e[0-9]+)$ You can try live here More detailed info can be found here


Accepted formats are:

  • Paths prefixed with /, without whitespace characters on begin or end of each segment (eg. /media, /media/shows, /media/movies/)

Accepted characters are:

  • a-z, A-Z
  • 0-9
  • ., -, _
  • " " (Whitespace, Not on begin or end)

Regex used to match those: ^\/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+(\s?[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+|\/?))+$ You can try live here

If you find a field that you think it needs validation, please open an issue on github