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New CloudNative-PG (CNPG) operator chart.

After building our own MetalLB operator chart, we’ve also now finished the work on building our own CloudNative-PG Chart. As of today this chart will be a requirement for new users if they want to run applications featuring a postgresql database.

Updating to the new Cloudnative-PG helm chart for existing users

We want to point out though, that users should update the new CloudNative-PG Helm chart as soon as possible. To update an existing install with applications using postgresql databases to the new system, the following procedure can be used:

We want to explicitly highlight that this procedure will COMPLETELY DESTROY all your databases. It’s absolutely crucial to export your databases manually beforehand.

  • export all your databases manually, on SCALE using the following guide (do not rely on heavyscript backups for this!)
  • run this in a root shell: k3s kubectl delete --grace-period 30 --v=4 -k
  • install the new cloudnative-pg chart from the operators train
  • wait a few minutes
  • Hit edit and save without changes on all applications using postgresql databases.
  • wait a few minutes
  • Restore all your databases manually, on SCALE using the following guide (do not rely on heavyscript backups for this!)

If you run into additional issues, please file a ticket with our dedicated support staff via the #support channel of our discord as normal.